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《关于变成美少女后没人惊讶这件事》第29章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读好看的小说《关于变成美少女后没人惊讶这件事第29章》,请您 ,免费阅读好看的小说《关于变成美少女后没人惊讶这件事》完美结局版第29章全文。

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沈、明两大顶级豪门联姻了。 作为联姻对象的明教授沉迷于搞科研教育搞心理建设不能自拔,跟大魔王沈听澜实在是木得感情! 两人连逢场作戏都懒得演,明千夜更是无时无刻不想着被大魔王解除婚约! 然而,凭着双方过高的神仙颜值,才华能力,CP粉不请自来,天天盼他们互动,求狗粮求合体,努力地寻找他们相爱的证据…… 明教授终于有些受不了地发消息跟大魔王摊牌—— 【学长,我其实就是想跟你谈个假恋爱... 沈大佬和夫人的CP被磕疯了

灭世大劫下, 柳易鸽带着系统回到十八岁, 无良系统居心叵测, 想把我变成女生, 当初为我而死的女生, 在看到我是女生的时候, 为什么展开前所未有的激烈攻势 在危机下,是爱情,还是救世。 亦或者,二者都... 系统能有什么坏心思呢

If you love the music of Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, or Smokey Robinson, you will love Berry Gordy's life story. Founder of Motown, Gordy was instrumental in launching the careers of these and many other popular musicians, singers and songwriters.In this candid autobiography, Gordy gives an authentic personal account of his career--from the inception of his label, founded with $800 borrowed from his family, to the development of an entertainment empire sold to MCA for $61 million. Along the way, Gordy and his artists faced racism and both personal and professional challenges--and overcame them to leave an indelible mark on American popular culture. ToBeLoved

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