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该书亦在红袖添香中发表,谢谢读者大大们的支持! 当被诅咒除妖师穿越到古代

赵清如怎么也想不到曾经那个单纯自由,如小鹿般的男孩竟成了北疆的王。 而自己作为朝中整日胡作非为最不受宠的六公主被送去北疆和亲。 他早已褪去少年青涩,此时正坐在王座上冷冷的看着她。 “小鹿……”她望着他轻唤,却被冷眼相待。 她日日受冻,在这天寒地冻的北疆,再耐寒的她也抵不住毫无碳暖的天,终而不得不贪恋他怀里唯一的温存。 声声慢难将息

In this dark psychological thriller, a wealthy husband turns up dead, and his abused wife is charged with the crime. She calls Riley for help—and yet it seems clear she is guilty.But when another wealthy, abusive husband turns up dead, the FBI is called in, and FBI special agent Riley Paige wonders: is this all a coincidence? Or could this be the work of a serial killer?What ensues is a game of cat and mouse, as Riley Paige realizes she is up against a brilliant and unpredictable killer, one without a clear motive—and one determined to keep on killing until he is caught.An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE TRAPPED is book #13 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. OnceTrapped

未来世界,人人修仙,一次意外,善逸来到了异界大陆。在异空间中,同样是与主世界相同的修炼之路,但这里人人拥有系统!完成小小的任务就可以获得各种极品灵器,道纹甚至修为!善逸表示无法理解,作为外来的人族,自然受到异界生物的排斥,并且主世界也遭到了异界之主的觊觎。异界与万族的战争即将打响!……而此时,蓝星上的内部矛盾逐渐激化,万千异族对人族展开围杀!与此同时,... 异界修灵之我没有金手指

终于还是见到你了,为什么,白芷,你他妈,告诉我为什么,啊?为什么……凌柯喊得声嘶力竭,泣不成声。白芷心中只剩下了苦涩,凌柯我拿你怎么办,知不知道我要护着你呀,在我心里的人,不护着你我,我也会死掉的呀,拿你怎么办,我的,凌柯。 我们不愿将就

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