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《江山代代卧美人》第734章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读好看的小说《江山代代卧美人第734章》,请您 ,免费阅读好看的小说《江山代代卧美人》完美结局版第734章全文。

重生为千金,她掉进富家蜜罐收获万般宠爱,还附送专属未婚夫!只有一点需搞清,自己究竟是他的私宠还是猎物……“唔,放开我!你这样做是要负法律责任的!”“亲爱的,我就怕你不要我负责任呢!”什么?狼性老公专宠不过粉饰太平?刚尝点甜头就掉进阴谋陷阱?不急,本姑娘慢慢得等你宠我上瘾…… 重生千金宠上瘾

【领主+建设+种田+直播+爽文】叶修穿越平行世界,一觉醒来,发现自己被幸运之神选中,进入迷雾世界,成为大夏第15647号实习领主。开局一个小破茅屋、一柄石斧、一捧火堆。迷雾世界,猛兽毒虫环伺,稍有不慎,万劫不复。叶修获得全球唯一的金手指,出门捡铁斧、遇宝箱、建祭坛、唤猛将......全球观众:我要举报,有人直播开挂!其他领主:迷雾世界还能开挂?求求了,给我也来一个吧! 领主时代我开挂被直播了

Kid-genius and inventor Frank Einstein loves figuring out how the world works by creating household contraptions that are part science, part imagination, and definitely unusual.In the series opener, an uneventful experiment in his garage-lab, a lightning storm, and a flash of electricity bring Frank inventions-the robots Klink and Klank-to life! Not exactly the ideal lab partners, the wisecracking Klink and the overly expressive Klank nonetheless help Frank attempt to perfect his inventions.In the fourth book in the series, Frank-along with his best friend, Watson, and Klink and Klank-once again finds himself in competition with his classmate and archrival T. Edison and his sign-language-speaking sidekick, Mr. Chimp, over Frank newest invention: the EvoBlaster Belt, which allows the user to evolve and devolve into other forms of life, blasting from one species to another. FrankEinsteinandtheEvoBlasterBelt(FrankEinsteinseries#4)

为了朋友的生日而开的贺文短篇系列。决定以后除了贺文以外,凡是有原创角色的同人短篇也都放到这里来好了~不定时更新中……(有认识的或者想要贺文的,都来给我踩踩~) 墨染——同人贺文

其实,我被逼成这样的完美哥哥形象,是有原因的,还有…“一期哥哥!玩举高高!”为什么审神者也是个小女孩啊!#辣鸡时之政府,居然还雇童工# 作为付丧神心好累

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